Monday, April 26, 2010

Lost In a Sea of Beads

Sigh!  Didnt think it would happen to me, not so soon and not when I had so much determination.  While everyone else is, at the very least, working on March, I am still stuck in January (hmmm, I could almost say that is not a figurative statement).  Reasons?  Excuses?  Lots of health took a huge downturn soon after I started, I kept running out of beads and we live hundreds of miles from any bead shop, and we received life changing news which involved big chunks of time being used up. But even then I've had periods of health where I've worked on January's piece, and times when it absolutely overwhelmed me!   Also, and most important, I think I bit off more than I can chew.  I was just giddy with the idea of filling a 4" x 6" (which somehow stretched to 4.5" x 6.5") cloth with beautiful shiny beads, not realizing the *time* it takes to do so.  So, here I am, head bowed low, filled with embarrasement and humility hoping I can somehow "catch up" and truly belong among the great bead journalists who make up the BJP.  Even if I never make all 12 pieces by the end of the year, I will (shakes fists in the air) complete this task!!!

There is a question you can see by the picture below I totally messed up on the tree.  I apologize for the quality of the image, but I was tired when I took the picture and when I touched it up.

I believe most of the BJP participants are bead artists; I mostly bead (off-loom) jewelry as a hobby and always wanted to try bead embroidery.  I am by no means an artist!  I beaded the tree during a very painful (physically) period in my life, and indeed, the tree does look like its in pain, lol.  I would like to re-do the tree, it looks hideous to me. My husband says that since this is a "journal" and not "art" it reflects a true part of my life at the time and that I should leave it.  I am asking for some help here, which is it, art or journal?  I can finish the purple background in a few more days and be done with the piece, or I can take apart the tree (which was very time consuming) and fix it.  In any case I am ready to get on to my next month's project (skipping a few months and with enough beads in hand).

This is for you Robin,  a close up of the geode.  That light band going thru it is natural, not a reflection.

I thought if I encased the geode with a lacy look it might look more like a rock "dusted" with snow.  I think from a distance it sort of works.

Thanks for visiting after such a long absence.  I hope to add more to my bead journal(s) and blog more often now as I am feeling quite perky!


  1. Oh many thoughts, but first, the tree. I see absolutely nothing that would make me ever take it out and do it over! It became what you made it at the time, and I agree with your husband, so please don't take away what it is. If you do, it won't really exist in the same way ever again -- that's important. Second, I absolutely LOVE the way you attached the geode! It's beautiful and showcased in a very special way. This entire piece is extremely lovely. It takes me back to winters of my youth when snowflakes, stars, and icy night-time landscapes were quiet and peaceful.

  2. you and i must not be looking at the same tree. the tree i see is just perfect the way it is. i vote for leaving it. i love the snowflakes and the geode is sooo pretty!

  3. Sharon, I love this piece. You have no reason on earth to be embarrassed. In my view, this project is a journaling project - and this is a page in your journal. The tree reflects the time in your life when you had physical pain, though I see absolutely nothing wrong with it. In fact, I like your tree very much! I'd like to encourage you not to leave the tree just the way that it is.

    I grew up in Connecticut - cold snowy and icy winters - and this piece brings up some very find memories. Your little geode makes me think of when we used to go ice skating on the local pond in the evening, with a nice bonfire roaring to keep our butts warm. That streak across the geode - like the moonlight shining across the frozen pond.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Oh Sharon, you're waaaaaaaaay too hard on yourself... This piece is charming and beautiful, including the lovely tree, just the way it is! Really! I'm not saying this to be nice... I clicked to enlarge and tried to see why you might want to do the tree over again, and for the life of me, I can't see it. Your husband is right about this being a journal and how it reflects the way things have been for you. Besides, it has such charm the way it is. To me "perfect" beadwork is boring... Your piece is anything but boring. And I love, LOVE the geode and the bezel you made for it. Wow! I never thought of making a netted bezel... it's so appropriate for your piece! One more thing... There is an artist in you, trust me on this and run with it! Robin A.

    PS Shirley made a typo, I'm sure... She started to write "I'd encourage you not to change it" then changed her mind, but didn't delete back far enough. You probably figured that out, huh.

    PPS I'm so glad you posted and asked your question!

    PPPS If you think your size is too big, go for half that amount for the other 11 pieces. And you don't have to bead it solidly either... or some can be solid, some not. Make it work for you!

  6. Good Morning Sharon!
    I'm glad Robin posted her comments before I was able to, so I just second everything she said.

    For me, the BJP is time for me to think about..something...and depict it in a 3 x 3 space with beads. Last year was a learning event for me. I filled a 4x4 space entirely with beads a couple of times because I thought that was what was "expected" by other participants. As we went along I realized that wasn't what this is about.

    So my advice...since you to find a size that you can work with more easily. There are no rules about how many beads you have to use.

    You are right, there are many artist in this group. But there are also many like you and I. We play with making jewelry, wanted to try bead embroidery and joined this group. We are making cyber friends. The other girls don't care what form you use, we embrace you as a member.

    I think your piece is gorgeous. I would not change one bead. When I look at it, I feel a cold winter night, with snowflakes gently falling to the ground. Its a journal, but it is also your art. Please, please relax, downsize and enjoy your next page. DOn't worry about catching up. Just enjoy your art.
    Warmest regards

  7. I don't often do this, but I came back this morning just to see what others have commented. I'm so glad to see the consensus -- leave it as is! Your piece evoked the same feelings in them as it did in me -- interesting that it took others back to childhood memories as well. I didn't say in my first comment whether I see "art" or "journaling" -- actually I don't think we can help doing both. Being "visual" persons, we are artists (whether we believe that or not) and journaling is bound to happen with beading. It's just that meditative a process.
    Enjoy your piece as is -- we are all apparently doing that!

  8. Sharon I love your piece. The tree is gorgeous. Leave it as is. To me its an artful journal. I'm glad you chose purple for the sky and not the usual blue. it makes the cold subject warm. I've never done a thing like the geode, yours is so gorgeous that it makes me want to try it too. at first I thought you'd made a hole in your journal and thought it a great idea. the line of oblong pearls is just perfect and I love the snowflakes. if you hadn't said so I wouldn't have thought you're not an experienced bead embroiderer. btw who says journals have to be monthly. you can make it bi-monthly to take the pressure off. its terribly annoying when your health gets in the way. I know all about it. you have to believe in yourself coz your journal is lovely.

  9. Such thoughtful and encouraging comments. Everyone had great insights and I am actually having a few "AHA" moments because of your dear dear comments. I have read and re-read each one. I will leave tree as is, I will find a way to simplify my next months journal so that it suits my needs better. I might even not bead the entire night sky, leave it some breathing room, in some ways it looks complete already. I love having other beaders to talk to and bounce ideas off of........Thank you so much for coming by and giving your opinions, positive or negative, they are all respected here!

  10. It is your journal, AND art. Everyone here, everyone, is an artist. For some reason people don't want to say that, maybe thinking that art and being an artist, means that everything has to be "perfect", whatever that means, and "professional" or something. Your work certainly qualifies under both those words. Speaking only for myself, I sometimes make changes in my piece, and I never regret it. This is something only you can decide. But I really, really like your tree.

  11. I can only second every one else on this, I think your tree looks great and I'd agree with your hubby on it that it's part of your journal and to leave it. I'm looking at what you created and wondering how you can think you aren't an artist?!

    I definitely agree with Robin and if it takes downsizing the size or at least not putting pressure on yourself to completely encrust then do so. I only started bead embroidering at the beginning of signing up for the BJP because I wanted to learn... and I'm so glad I did, I absolutely love it. Make you happy with your projects and it will all fall in place.
